Sindean Group can provide a vast array of high-quality, dynamic specialized finishes to stainless steel. Having been established for over 60 years, we have gained a long-standing reputation in the metal finishing industry and are recognized as a reliable manufacturer and supplier.
Our patterned stainless-steel finishes are ‘food safe’ as they do not harbor dirt and germs. Consequently, we have achieved NSF certification in the USA for our stainless-steel products as ‘suitable for use in direct contact with food’

Patterned stainless steel is durable and ‘food safe’
From paneling for cold rooms and walk-in coolers to chilled/refrigerated display units and deli counters, nothing reflects good taste and hygiene better than our streamlined, modern stainless-steel surface finishes.
Our patterned stainless-steel products are more durable than plastics and laminates, resisting scratches and dents to keep equipment looking great for longer.

Our products are widely used for catering vehicles where hygiene is extremely important. It’s also a very practical material to use in vehicles with its long lifespan properties.

Adding something extra to white goods product design with our ColourTex® Black Satin
Varying lighting conditions can give stainless-steel products a personality of their own; whether this is in the background or as a dominant aesthetic force ‘front-of-house’.
Our specialized patterns and surface finishes in stainless steel can also provide some control as to how much light reflects.

Superb lighting effects possible
Refrigeration & Catering Product Benefits
- Stainless steel has a long lifespan.
- Aesthetically pleasing state-of-the-art finishes.
- Gloss / reflectivity control.
- Hygienic for food contact.
- Extremely durable.
- Easy to fabricate.
- Stainless steel is an inherently green product.
- Very recyclable.